Solutions :-

Step 1 : Downloading Angry IP Scanner

Aroused IP scanner that is generally used by network administrators for port scanning and detecting for the suspicious activity.It is bachelor on all the major Os.

Outset Download and install the Aroused IP scanner.cam_5-1024x532.png

Step 2 : Knowing your IP address range

It is very important to know your public IP for accomplishing our target.CCTV cameras are connected to our broadband internet connexion.If you are using a broadband connectedness and then you can know your public IP past just going to Google or Bing and typing in the search box "My IP" .It will show your public IP.cam_7-1024x485.png

Here 123.23.356.246 is my public IP .So the IP range will be 123.23.356.i to 123.23.356.255

Step iii : Configuring Angry IP scanner

Now you take to openAngry IP Scanner.

Go to Tools > Preferences > Ports | include ports 80,8080,23 in Port choice tab

It will filter 23,80 and 8080 port.


At present we need to add the web detect choice.Web detect is used when nosotros desire to know pocket-sized details about the devices that are connected to the internet.For example whatsoever router name or the CCTV camera name or the model number.

Yous can add web find using the following process :

Tools > Fetchers > add (<<) web detect


Step 4 : Starting IP scanning

Now burn down upward Angry IP scanner and enter the IP range.Yous at present accept to click on start for scanning.


After few seconds when the scanning has finished then information technology will show information in spider web discover tab.Now y'all have to manually find the CCTV photographic camera.At that place are few parameters by which you can recognize your CCTV camera.

  • DVRDVS-Webs – CCTV camera
  • Webs – CCTV camera
  • Hikvision-Webs — CCTV camera
  • iBall-Baton — CCTV photographic camera
  • uc-httpd 1.0.0 — CCTV camera

Now if any of the to a higher place configuration matches your list then you just accept to note the IP address of the detected CCTV camera and Get in the address bar of the browser and paste information technology.

Step 5 : Hacking into the CCTV Cameras Configuration

Nigh of the CCTV cams and router has the default password in information technology so they can easily be hacked. For example you lot can requite the below passwords a attempt –

Username : admin | countersign : admin
Username : admin | password : (blank password)
Username : admin | password : 12345
Username : admin | password : 9999

Y'all can explore more than list by doing some R & D .For watching the live videos you must have some plugins and you will get the details within the configuration page.

If the ambassador is too smart then he must accept prepare the custom passwords and that can also be broken using the hydra tool in the Kali Linux.This way yous can hack into a individual CCTV cams.

This commodity is only for educational purposes and whatsoever harm acquired due this is your own responsibility and not mine.This is just to show you how to secure a CCTV cameras.

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