
Why Do Metacritic Users Hate Modern Warfare 3?

Once to a greater extent into the immoral assembling something-or-early, this time with Modern font Warfare 3, which looks to be coming up red (but non roses) for players rating the game just hours after picking it up. While the Xbox 360 version's already garnered a critically acclaimed 90 out of 100 on Metacritic with 30 critics advisement in, the modal user seduce's hovering closer to 3 out of 10. Ouch.

And it's downhill from there: The PlayStation 3 version ranks 88 out of 100 with cardinal critics weighing in, but its medium substance abuser score is 2.4 out of 10 with 75 users voting. The Microcomputer version—currently (ingloriously?) unrated by a single master critic—lists a user score of 1.4 out of 10 with 113 users voting.

What's the beef? Assuming these are serious reactions from actual players, not trolls, the complaints sound similar to many of the complaints leveled at Call of Duty Black Ops, basically same-ol'-Lapplander-ol'.

"The funny thing is I had yet to clear this was the right same game I've been playing for two years," writes uncomparable substance abuser of the Xbox variant. "New multiplayer modes? Yeah, there are a bunch, none of them interesting [though]. How about the singleplayer? Same washed up Michael Bay on steroids you would require from a Call of Duty gritty nowadays. Where are the good old days where good gameplay was defined past skill, and not the ridiculous amount of over the top killstreak rewards and perks person can have? This game, no, this franchise is scarred and on the far side repair… A waste of my money."

"Rich person been playing MW3 online for a couple of hours now and it astounded me that a game I wasn't looking forward to, at all, still was able to… let down me," writes another user. "Stimulate seen many of the maps and I haven't felt a presence of a classic map. Running makes you wiggle like a pixilated duck, reloading is much quicker than switch weapons."

"Could Activision be any greedier? Charging full price for an mw2 expansion pack!" writes a tertiary. "The only superb thing about this horrible tear remove are the new spec Ops missions. If you're a mindless 12yr retired and want to show off you're l33t skillz to other vacuous 12 yr olds then this is the game for you. Otherwise avoid this re-heated garbage at all costs."

Fear not, those of you who meter a game's deserving according to its sales numbers: Black Ops went happening to record gross sales anyway.

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